Saturday, February 2, 2013

Working My Blog

I have been sitting here for about an hour since my first post here trying to figure all of this out. Trying the customization options and so forth. Here are some of the thoughts entering my brain as I am working on it...
  •  It has to be perfect
  • Why won't this page thing work for me?
  • When I am trying to post a picture behind the title, why won't it let me re-size it?
  • Who's gonna read this anyway?
  • If they do read it, will they even care?
  • What I already have 6 views? Is that just me who viewed it or are other people really looking?
  • Ugh! What did they think about it? They didn't post anything. Why?
  • Of course it's not like I have posted much of anything interesting as of yet.
  • Why am I so hard on myself?
  • This was supposed to be for me, why am I so worried about everyone else?
  • Oh, maybe this wasn't just for me.. Maybe I am actually a narcissist deep down inside.
So, yeah... There's a quick window to my mind. And this was over something rather inconsequential. Can you imagine what happens when it is over more serious issues?

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