Saturday, February 2, 2013

In The Beginning

Wow! Here I am finally sitting down and writing this. I have been thinking about posting some sort of blog for a time now. I think ultimately this is for me, but I very much want to share my thoughts with others. I can't help but have some feelings that some of this might relate to others. Or rather, I hope that is the case. I have yet to meet someone who truly thinks the way I do. And really I think it is silly that I would think someone might considering each and everyone of us are all truly unique. With our own set of experiences and how we view things. But there just has to be someone out there that can relate or at the very least come close to having my story. So here I am. Partly to share my story and thoughts for the purpose of getting them off my chest and partly to connect with others. At least this is my hope...

The title of the blog actually says a lot about me. I over analyze everything. Even when there is nothing to analyze, I will. It haunts me. And lately it has become more intolerable. Things have changed drastically in my life over the past year, and this has caused me to re-evaluate who I am. I have found myself in a depression that I can't quite shake and questioning my decisions and other things more than ever. My mind cannot stay focused on one thing for too long, it will always come back to it, but it gets lost in an overload of thoughts and emotions. One thought leading to another, to another and so on. I thought that maybe writing some of it down, at least the parts I can remember might help. I truly don't know. I don't know what I am doing or where I am going right now, but I felt this might help so here I am.

The truth is, I am lonely. I am lost. I just want to be loved, needed and heard. We all do, don't we? I guess I will see where this takes me.......

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